Monday, April 15, 2013

Company Registration Luxembourg - Start your own Business in Luxembourg

Company in Luxembourg- Excellent Business in a Favorable Environment

Forming a company in Luxembourg can be a smart decision. With all the ease offered, it is no wonder that investors consider Luxembourg their chance to rake in considerably high profits. While there are different types of companies that can be incorporated, the most common ones are SARL (Societe Anonyme a Responsabilite Limitee) and SA (Societe Anonym).

Pre-Requisites for Company Registration in Luxembourg

Formation of a company is incomplete if it is not registered and this is where company registration Luxembourg jumps into the picture. Before moving ahead with the process of registering a company a Luxembourg, the following points should be kept in mind.
·         It is necessary that all corporate documents that are submitted are written in German or French.
·         It is mandatory to have a bank account so as to deposit the capital. Contributions made by the founders will be deposited in this account.

Company Register in Luxembourg

The Trade Register is responsible for registering all the companies and is called Registre de Commerce et des Societes. Primarily, the Trade Register serves as a channel to maintain effective communication between the general public and businesses. Also, it supervises that Luxembourg’s company law is appropriately enforced. More detailed information can be accessed by logging on the official company register’s website.  

Important Points for Company Registration Luxembourg

Take a look at these points so as not to miss any important details.
·         A unique company name has to be selected. In order to make sure that your proposed company name can be used, it is recommended to reserve it. This way, one does need to worry about any issues that may arise later on. 

·         The share capital has to be deposited in the bank account. Minimum amount that can be deposited is 40,000 U.S. dollars. In order to confirm the availability of funds, a bank statement has to be submitted to the Trade Register. 

·         Manager of the company can access the deposited funds only after the company is registered.
·         The company must have at least two shareholders or founders. Their residency (whether company or individual) and status are not taken into account. This means that a legal entity as well as a person can be a shareholder or director in a Luxembourg company. 

·         Each company should have three directors that are responsible for its management. Again, their residency and status are irrelevant. 

·         One of the key aspects of company registration in Luxembourg is having an office that is registered. This is a requirement because it is at this address that the trade register will correspond with the company. Furthermore, any legal notices will be routed to this address.

Important Point

One point that cannot be forgotten is that any company planning to operate in Luxembourg must acquire authorization or a permit from the government of Luxembourg.

Document Requirements

Documents that must be submitted to Trade Register are as follows. 

·         Articles of association
·         Legal address of company
·         Comprehensive information of shareholders
·         Comprehensive information of company’s bank account

It will take only be a matter of few days before anyone can register a company in Luxembourg if they follow all the information provided above.  

1 comment:

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