Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Company Registration Europe- Best Jurisdictions to Operate Business

Europe for Business- Where Opportunities Never End

Europe is one continent that never fails to strike a chord with investors. The growth of business prospects in the last few years leave no doubt as to why it is being favored by investors over all others. The continent is one where countless entrepreneurs are cruising along the lines of success, raking profits higher than ever before.

There is no lack of opportunities or funding and the incentives offered are not only meant to give the economy a boost but to help new start-ups gain footing as effortlessly as possible. While every single country in Europe promises a wealth of attractive prospects, there are countries where businesses have grown at an unprecedented rate, thanks to the many favorable conditions and incentives. 

For those planning to register a company in Europe, we have amassed a list of all those counties that can turn your dream of operating a profitable business into a reality. These countries are as follows.

Impressive Ireland

For companyregistration Europe, Ireland is indeed one of the strongest candidates. Being a member of EU (European Union), Ireland houses shops of industry giants such as Apple, Google and Amazon. In addition, what makes it one of the best countries for business operation is the fact that it has a corporate tax rate as low as 12.5%. With just the right choice of registration service provider, anyone can set up a business in this gem of a land.

Convenient Cyprus

Cyprus, being a Mediterranean island, is not only blessed with natural beauty but an abundance of business opportunities as well. This member of EU enjoys a strategic location as it is surrounded by flourishing continents of Asia, Europe and Africa. 

The service sector has the highest contribution in GDP and what gives Cyprus an edge over others is that it can boast of a tax rate which is one of the lowest in the entire continent. Cyprus’ economy is stable and there are no requirements for minimum capital for setting up a business. In short, choosing Cyprus for company registration Europe is a decision that can never go wrong.

Generous Germany

As a country that needs no introduction, Germany prides itself on its per capita GDP which is $37,900. This not only makes Germany the perfect jurisdiction to set up business but has many other advantages for offer. For instance: 

·         Germany has a time zone that is friendly
·         Countless business opportunities
·         All European countries are easily accessible from Germany
·         Opportunities for networking

As far as the type of companies that can be opened in Germany are in question, options are GmbH which is a Limited Liability Corporation, Partnerships, AG which is Stock Corporation, and sole proprietor. All of these company types have their own set of conditions that must be satisfied. This makes Germany a great choice for company registration Europe.

Bottom-line, business in any country in the European continent will have only good to offer. However, if one wants profits that go well beyond expectations, any of the above mentioned jurisdictions can be chosen.

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